If you’re having trouble swallowing the story line these days, you are not alone. You may choose to comply with the governance dictates, and know the deeper truth while you comply. You may also seek to take action for greater expression and freedom. I am not inciting you to rebel, just to be aware.  Here are some questions I asked the universe a...
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The average engagement set point during the lock-down for most individuals is under 10% engaged. Under normal circumstances around 40%. That is actually a big difference in how engaged and committed we are to creating a great life. If you are having trouble navigating life, getting your work done, even getting your housework done, the low set po...
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Adelia of course has been daytime potty trained since she was 2, but nighttime potty training is a whole different thing especially since she is a very deep sleeper.  So I decided that if we would ever make this transition it would mean I would be getting up to wake her for her potty times so that she could be successful. She is excited about t...
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I’ve done a number of recent sessions with active women participants in our academy and I have seen an issue that seems fairly difficult to quell.  This affects women who have more mammary tissue. The symptoms of the condition are swelling of the breast and belly, which could include swelling throughout the body. This is one of six unique ene...
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Last week I began a conversation about ‘in service to the light’ and how testing activities and programs you might be considering will help you to align, what you are doing and want to create with things that are in service to the light. I thought it would be helpful to speak about both sides now how it may appear something is in service to ...
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