As the days go on and the lock-down seems to be lightening a new crisis of looting and rioting adds terror and trauma to the hearts and minds of many. But why are we in this situation? Why Would looting and rioting of small businesses many run by folks of color make any sense at all?  There seems to be a war between dark and light, good and ...
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As I have gone through the weeks we’ve had some good and not so great days in our home. We had just come off of 8 really spectacular days, followed by 5 naughty days. The naughty days can have a few elements that can be improved by beginning to work with your child’s energetic field.  Calming and Correcting an over expanded aura On a par...
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Each and every time we meet together in classes we begin with prayer. In the past couple weeks we have had a strong focus on praying first to the Creator, Mother/ Father God or what we sometimes refer to as Supreme Being. You may wonder why we have switched right now to deeply first connecting to God before addressing angels and helpers?  I wil...
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This Coronavirus and the over 30 strains of it has some pretty fascinating and diabolical marks left behind. I was doing a quick one to one check in with one of our members who has had the virus. She mentioned a couple things of interest. One was she felt her soul was affected, and two she felt her horse had also contracted the virus and was now go...
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This has been a good week for us. We successfully started our Ascension 2020 program, as well as had powerful classes each day which included personal and global revitalization and clearings. Adelia and I continue to find our rhythm together and seem to be in a good spot right now.  Are you watching for signs of good things on their way?  S...
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