Beloved, let us love one another For love is of God and Everyone who lovesĀ  is born of God and knoweth God He who loves not, knows not God For God is LOVE Beloved, Let us love one another 1 John 4:7-8     I am writing this on good friday, and have just participated in an online service with communue. The...
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Meditation and Breathing Make time to meditate morning and night. Activate Pranic breathe and a strong relationship with your body and outer life with breathing. Handle the stressors affecting your interacting fields and use a cobalt blue corona to keep your aura fresh and strong. Morning Routine and Supplements Exercise read scripture, prayer c...
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As we here complete our 4th week of isolation our community does see some people with the virus, and a very few who have been hospitalized. But the indication is we will likely be another 6 to 8 weeks in lock down. I have tested we will not return to more of a normal routine until September and with that there are many things to wonder about, and s...
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As I was getting Adelia ready to return to school in the first part of August, I discovered she was in need, according to state law of a booster vaccination. If you are not in the US you may not know about these laws, ones that force all children through a series of vaccinations, which in many cases have caused serious brain and body traumas. Ad...
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Greetings, This very blessed and beautiful day! During class this week we had a discussion on how we can better strengthen our physical system, with the idea of a fully nurtured system is less prone to absorb infections because it is fully strong. 2 reasons we had this conversation, the first is obvious and on everyone's mind, what to do abou...
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