I’ve recently spoken with 2 of our amazing students who found themselves in difficult energies, one in the hospital very ill for months, while the other in jail for 2 DWIs. Now you wouldn’t think these two experiences would have anything to do with each other, but they actually do have more in common than you might think. Going to jail is a ...
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What is your potential? What could you do if you put your whole heart and soul (or all the working of your extraordinary blueprint) into being the best possible version you can be? Your highest potential includes your working and your leisure time. Are you enjoying the quality of your life? I was speaking to one of our wise elder students at 82 ...
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Relating to another purely. It’s what we all hope to do but few actually have the training to pull this off. What am I speaking of?  We all on some level in our relationships have unclean communications. We’ve just been studying this and doing some profound clearing work in the pure potentials program. Now you have likely heard of chordi...
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In our Quantum Mastery programs we have been developing a language about our Perception. This has always lined up in PEMER as the first of the blueprint areas for good reason. It is both the largest and oldest part of us, the we we were even before spirit.  If you are newer to our community let me review what PEMER is symbolic of: Perception...
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How do you handle transition? Does it come with strong emotions and interruptions? Do you feel a sense of grace and ease as you progress through a change? And how could each change be held as a transformation? I think in our community there are many individuals who are going through some sort of transition. I spoke to several individuals this we...
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