Today is Adelia’s 2nd belonging anniversary. Last year on April 8th her adoption was finalized and she became my daughter and a Doering officially. Before her arrival I prepared for her by doing a kind of coaching therapy with an attachment expert so that we would have a strong bond. In the course of that year of waiting I read some very interest... Read More
Mind Control is Real.
We had an unplanned discovery….well that’s what a discovery actually is, a surprise, and this week we discovered 4 waves and 2 transmissions broadcasting out from 4 countries leaving folks feeling:
Believing there were no more miracles in store for them
Having a hard time... Read More
Discovery is once again upon us as we open to looking at our supporting fields in an entirely new way! I’m preparing for the Blueprint Realms training, and as I was looking at the program and topics,I realized we must approach this from an entirely new angle, that of how well we’re able to access and use each of the 4 realms. What I discovered ... Read More
I awoke with this notion, Heaven is here on Earth. Perhaps it was stimulated by a conversation I had with a friend who was discussing the Bible-based Christian collective who believe that all who are not saved by Christ are damned to hell. Well this is a difficult conversation, if not impossible to have with one who strongly believes this to be tru... Read More
As I prepare to come back to the Quantum Academy, teaching, activating and inspiring once more, I find myself deeply grateful for the incredible outpouring of love through these past weeks, both before our little Virgil's birth, through the time we had him in our hearts and hands, and then through the grieving process of loss and sorrow.
You kno... Read More
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