The new enlightenment is a fully self expressed life. It used to be so simple, head off to india, sit in a cave, or on the banks of the Ganges river meditating your way to spiritual enlightenment, but in the new era we’re going for so much more.
Long bouts of blissful meditation actually dissociate you with your body and a human life. The oppo... Read More
On to mercury retrograde! Yay it’s here! You might be asking what the heck are you cheering about? Well I want to share a secret I discovered a few years back that has really helped me to look forward to and make the most of this cycle.
A retrograde is like a part of life going backwards. Any brand new projects would not be launched or started... Read More
I’ve been meditating on our human experience. In the past folks said we were body, mind and spirit. Some teacher say human spirit is the best part of us, the part that loves, while human animal, the body is our vehicle and involved more with issues of survival.
In both the Essence class, where we will talk about how our spirit came into existe... Read More
I created a chart for myself a few days back to help with a few issues, one a big time stress rash on my back from hosting a big party for Adelia, while putting in a play yard and working. I wanted to really nail this because I’d had the rash for three weeks, and the simple pumping I’d been doing wasn’t touching it. Day 2 after the creation o... Read More
There are some very sweet words in our English language describing states of appreciation and love: fondness, affection, cherishing, tenderness and enchanted. At first glance these delicious words could be part of our conversations with children friends and sweethearts, but are largely left out of conversations. I was testing these words just the o... Read More
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