Have you from time to time felt like you were swimming up stream and been up the creek without a paddle? How do you handle times where it seems nothing you do can make things improve? In a number of recent posts I have addressed this issue from different vantage points. We will address the “die off” of outmoded ways of being and how to “be”... Read More
Your Potential for Greatness
Last night while enjoying dinner with my East Indian companion we had a conversation about human nature I found fascinating. My friend’s theory is that we all have the capacity to harm others and live into our lower nature. He went on to give examples of the Hitler’s, Sadam’s and the recent gunmen of a school... Read More
Art, Music, and Dance
Creativity/Art/Music/Dance is the focus of the seventh segment of a life in balance. This is food for your Soul. You as a being need to create. We were created in the image of God, Creator we have the gift of creating if we maintain open creative channels. Read More
The nation honors the month of April each year as a year to be aware of stress and the devastating affects it can have on your life. You know me always trying to turn lemons into DIAMONDS! (Forget lemon aid let’s go for a transformation rather them just an upgrade.)
Stress can play an important and even a great role in your life if you know ho... Read More