Hi, I'm Jill Lublin with publicitycrashcourse.com. I've been listening to Julie Renee's 21-day Accelerate Wealth program, and let me tell you: Number one, It's the first program that I've been able to listen to where I love falling into myself and being able to meditate in a way that's doable... Read More
Hi, I'm Penelope Jane Van Hulle with realprosperityinc.com, and one of the things that has impressed me most about Reverend Julie Renee is the way that she actually lives and implements and embodies everything that she teaches. She practices it herself. And it's truly amazing to see the trans... Read More
Miraculous Activations now real and possible with the extraordinary teachings of Julie Renee.
The Church declared a cessation of Miracles in the 16th Century. Apparently, no one mentioned this to Julie Renee Doering who can’t seem to help spreading love and well-being wherever she goes!
Dramatic and obvious miracles seem to be a daily pract... Read More