Just asking questions and getting insights you might be interested in knowing…. Microware targeted towards molecules of those 63 plus from Kurs to create the illusion of aging  Brown and white skin spots reptilian implanted in DNA start age 44  Dry skin kurs driven through kundalini something with the root of kundalini base of spine no...
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 Intelligence processing centers in God made Human formerly the area of matter in the blueprint now renamed and properly identified as to what God had placed in there.  The new name is  Wisdom Interpretation. There were actually only 2 categories that were original and created by God and they were reidentified and described down below.  P...
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In our Ignite Mastery session this week we began to look at what aspects in the blueprint support us having the experience of hearing or knowing God in an intimate and connected way.    I, from time to time, am blessed to hear the voice of God. The boys are here in my home and life from one of those times, just a year ago. God spoke to me. He...
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God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life and light. We call upon your holy name, EAM Trinity, Mother, Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, come. We ask for your presence in this session, and we ask for an extreme blessing on the transformation that will be happening in the Divine-human blueprint. Thank you for standing with us for th...
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We have the supporting field of Amplification that has been defined for a long time. Turns out just as in the article about  Wisdom interpretation ability when we get down to what this was actually created to do by God we find it very different than what is currently in this field. Original to the field only was  Resonance was there to supp...
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