Ice that came out of the sky You can do the hand pump Ascend it will help 60% reduce the harm for future events 78 Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) did something with atmosphere and barometric pressure this did 7 different things with the ice storm: The amount of water/ice that fell the volume – paw patrol movie 70% more then sh...
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Who is that, that is no thing, that which makes the river flow freely?  This little verse became a chant for me 20 years ago as I pondered the movement behind all life. Who made the river flow, who breathed life into my body, and who brought me back to life more than once when it appeared my body was at the end of its time?  Is the nature a...
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6th dimension Serpent replication is the image of a Black box cut with a ‘wood’ cutting carving tool making a serpent with 4 legs being used to enforce the frequency  A11 Creepy gross feeling. 9 of our Mastery Students have been affected by this creepy replicant. Resolution?  chopping 3 minutes.
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A DNA Question came in that I thought would be valuable to share with the entire community. Many energy healers and channelers are talking about more strands of DNA being activated now so that humanity can reach higher dimensions (5D). Some call it greater awareness. I think that the concept of "reaching higher dimensions (5D)" in itself is also...
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