Come Holy Spirit Come now Come Come Holy Spirit Come Come Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. The aspect of God that is felt experienced and heard. In Perception, it moves through Truth wisdom input.  Someone in class this week asked, Is Holy Spirit Consciousness? The answer to that is no. It is an aspect of God who is the Creator. As we were...
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I have wondered why sometimes it seems God stretches my limits and asks of me to do more than I think I can. I am willing to be obedient to God and The opportunities for growth and fulfillment of purpose, but I am not always perfect in the yes God you got it! I sometimes question, can I really do what you are asking of me and spend periods of time ...
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We see the issue of Dream Grid at the largest impact with our Conscious Awake area of the blueprint. This is where the impact of AI is on the energetic self. For our community and the deep clearings we have already done this is the main issue. Not so for the general population where 10 areas of the blueprint can be at play.  21 of the AI On our...
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