Another recent vision from the dream grid, I seem to be able to get in and out with the plans for humanity fairly easily.
In this imagery, I saw a basket-type thing large enough to hold several coffins stacked one atop another and a funeral chair, with the soft padded seat next to the coffin(s).
This causes a transmission from the bodies ... Read More
Early Wednesday morning I had floated into the dream grid to glean some information about happenings with the children and found some disturbing words and images once more.
The dream grid is run by the alien group of Reptoid. It is Luciferin in nature.
What I saw and heard. I was aware the topic was traffic children coming across the sout... Read More
Have a very blessed and extraordinary holiday remembering Jesus Christ as he truly was and honoring the beginning of a new year and new cycle.
During class this week, I had a strong nudge to stop the regular study and begin to open the door of truth behind why Jesus, Son of God had to come to earth, what is the redemption he has sealed for us ... Read More
Have pets been introduced to the culture in such a way as to replace the value of human life, especially where it relates to children? I’ll let you decide.
I went to an event with little Henry a few weeks back. He was an adorable 5-pound cutie patootie in a front-pack sling version, easily seen and enjoyed. At this event, the neighbors broug... Read More
A very famous Synthetic is in the news these days and you will likely recognize his name. He is one of the world's wealthiest and most influential men. He is aware he is not human and has publicly confirmed he is an alien. This is Elon Musk if you hadn’t guessed.
There is much praise for what Mr. Musk is doing among conservatives with the pu... Read More
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