I have been convicted of speaking truthfully about the October 31rst activities and to call a ‘spade’ a ‘spade.’
Adelia has brought home images on her homework of little girl witches. I know there is a great deal about witches and women's rights going around, but let us look honestly at the witch.
A witch is not cute or sexy; she ... Read More
If you weren’t able to join us in class this week you may not have heard we added a family member to our home. Let me catch you up!
Since Adelia was born and joined me to make our little unit I have had 3 private adoptions fail. The gals who go through private adoption are the type who is working the system; she is likely using drugs and oft... Read More
As I learn about the breast milk culture, I am saddened to hear of the twists and turns away from what God had meant for our mothers and children.
The new breast milk culture is enthusiastic in believing the properties of breastmilk are both best for brain development and strengthening immunity. With this, new moms have taken to hooking a brea... Read More
God's children are those God has created from the God cloud. They are relatively unaltered and, at the source creation pure beings. God created many types of angel perhaps as many as 25, and actually 7 kinds of human.
4 of those human types live on the planet today. The race we know of as Elf was a high human. In Elf form, they do not read as ... Read More
I had this notion as I woke the other morning of dreams and perhaps replicants or clones imitating life, and I began to set my consciousness to wonder. After testing a couple of ideas, the one that came through was that dreams are manufactured by synthetics that have some kind of mkultra-type machinery. This technology makes a connection to the bod... Read More