We found out something really amazing in class this past week. We have a God-given ability to receive Truth Wisdom Input. The crazy thing is that it has all but been fully lost to an overlay we have heard about called the 6th sense.  We'll look first at the overlay of the 6th sense and follow that with the details of what we were actually gifte...
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Let me ask you a question. Is there a 'Christian' View of the Chakras? What do you think?  A  few days ago, I awoke from sleeping, went to my computer in the dark, and started searching for scripture related to the chakras. I wondered, did Jesus Christ ever address the mechanisms we call chakras? I found no scripture directly related to them f...
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As we investigate the corruption of humanity and the deep state...  activities of current times, honestly, some of it is just plain ugly.  My daughter woke screaming mommy I need you to help me, I had been in a deep slumber, and she had obviously experienced another night of terror, so I ran upstairs collected her, and tucked her into my arms ...
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So much revelation came in this week! Praise God who is giving us more than I know what to do with, so we can proceed with God wholly at the reins of directing our efforts!  We have a list of emotions on the master chart. These are negative emotions that manipulate, direct and harm your thoughts, actions, and deeds. Serpent,  snake, reptilian ...
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