Uvalde is a little town you might never have heard of, except for this very dark tragedy that befell some children and their teacher.  You likely have gotten the news and the agenda from the administration related to gun control. Right now I will not address the political motives and agenda, but look at what happened and how this comes about at...
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There is typically 1 spirit that is making a connection with the blastocyst from conception through as many as 18 spirits can be fighting over who gets the body and the incarnation. The connection with the early forming body is rapid, I remember conceiving my son, and feeling his spirit at the time of conception hold tight to the sperm and egg comi...
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I was engaged with one of our long-time participants who has gone through a particularly rough year, and I heard again the strains of worry dominating her conversations.  I know when things are tough it's hard to have positive outcomes and yet that is what we are asked to do.    When a challenge presents itself and you cannot see a positi...
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2022 is a year dedicated to life based on purity and truth, and this seems to represent well the ascension path we have journeyed all these long years! Time to celebrate our accomplishments and achievements and recommit to the challenges that lie ahead!  Growth opportunities this summer that will support you and humanity!  Joyful Brillia...
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