As we look at living into our God-given potential and unravel the mess of what we have given up in purity and God alignment, whether willingly or unknowingly we must continue to seek the truth of who we truly are, and see the value and the sexiness of being all that! For whatever reason, demonic Bad Boy, Bad Girl lifestyles have become the found...
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This has been such a year of discovery and as we draw to a close of one year of profound work and enter into the coming year, standing in authority we were originally created in must take a role of importance in our upcoming work.  On our Blueprint categories, the word authority is associated with Essence.  Essence is our spirit nature, create...
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On Jan 24th there is an opportunity to participate in a 5-week intensive that will fix the trouble with your chakras. But you may feel resistant to this because it is not what you heard or were told right along. As I imagine the 40's and 50's in traditional America, the idea of chakras would be distrusted and since the system is not referred to in ...
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I always knew chakras were not part of the Divine Human Blueprint, but they were here in all of us and seemed to be well accepted as necessary, part of our enhanced design.  In our Magnificent Living retreat, which ended yesterday, we did ask the question of the value and purpose of chakras and found out some pretty interesting information.  ...
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We have long been on an earth filled with beauty, yet occupied by many low and malefic forces. So when the realm of earth was created we have to ask was it a part of God's Heaven?  I come to ask this because we in our training are now seeking intensely to align with who God had originally created us to be from our origins and God's blessing. Le...
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