We've had a great week, much to be grateful for and much to celebrate. One gift we got from Jarell, our Pleiadean guest Monday, was to seriously move into a JOY BUBBLE! He mentioned he felt the conversation about the joy field is mental, and when we let our heart experience the notion of a joy bubble. I get it; charts are for the mind, joy bubbles ...
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Just a few short weeks back in our mastery program, we learned about the source of the 3 harmful beings in the master chart category labeled Demon: Devil, Satan, Demon.  What was possibly the biggest surprise is that the category of Devil, when reaching back to where they came from, were entirely angelic in origin. So yes, cherubim and seraphim we...
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A few notes from the Grace interviews that took place Monday afternoon. Gabriel appears smaller in his facade than he is to be relatable; his energetic self is 22' wingspan about 63'. Gabriel was one of the original archangels and came into spirit around 113,000 years ago. In this first group, there were 34. Rafael and Michael were as well in th...
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When Lucifer broke off from God, his original intent was to take dominion over Human and angel. So he sought to destroy that which was freely given to humanity, that is, the dominion of the earth. He was 30% successful 50,000 years ago; augments with God began 80,000 years ago. His behavior seems like that of a spoiled child; he wanted everything, ...
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Guardian angels came into being about 93,000 years ago. God created them to be guardians of life. They are naturally guided to help, and it is their fulfillment and joy to serve the protection and sanctity of life. In our system, they are a Type 3 angel. They are about 6 feet tall with a 10' wingspan. They are seen in yellow robes that have stre...
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