The bloodline was a manufactured problematic issue worse than DNA or chakras. Coming down from the mother’s side, all the steps are devastating to our loving, united connection with God. In our most advanced program (Ignite)we worked this week on understanding the  3rd step and how it inhibits us from our God connection. 

Step 3 Support

Where God is always love and support, support is an experience, and it is not in a realm. Support is of God.

Support is an experience of strength. Support just is, just like quantum just is, it doesn’t change or take different forms. Support felt in a realm is the only way it can be manipulative. Support is constant. 

We live in a  sort of realm in which we are only supported if we comply with the ethos of the group. Support felt in a realm is conditional and embedded in us as tenuous and fleeting. In this tenuous realm we only make choices that are group-aligned so that we might get a small amount of support. We comply with group mind, group think. 

In this realm  support is not a sovereign individual experience. Individuals are not encouraged to be unique, have their own ideas and function on their own. The rule in this step 3 bloodline issue drives group think to surrender to elite leadership who make all the deskins and hold sovereign rights hostage. This  realm provides only for the elite – the governing or institutions. 

All of this takes us away from the deep knowing God is always supporting us. In this step, which is a blocker, we know God and His great love much less than what we were intended to experience. From what we could understand Him to be in our life and what we experience it is only 4% of the real potential. 

Looking at God’s Heart Song which is a similar notion to God’s Nature some of God heart song that in any realm cannot be fully experienced and these areas listed below are harmed by the 5 step Bloodline connection. 

Glory – Glorified and being able to experience God’s Glory to revel in the glory of God this is all but removed entirely from us and we experience only about 3% of the potential of Glory. 

Deliverer – Deliverer in a realm where you are looking to the leader of that realm for instance a government as the deliverer  you do not see or know God as a deliverer. We experience only about 3% of the potential of knowing God as a deliverer. 

Beloved – Beloved to know this type of God relationship is to experience a great connection or joy of the beloved. Our God relationship supports being the beloved and experiencing all those who we love and our marriage partner as well as the beloved. 

Worthy – Worthy in this bloodline connection 5 step access we are not worthy period. It stops of from being worth unless this is cleared. Removing the realm and this Bloodline connection 5 step access entirely we can realize worthiness. Only with God know ourself to be worthy. 

Bountiful – Bountiful abundance is cut off in realms and dependent on the leader and group rules. 

There is so much to understand and clear in the issue at hand, and as we do we in this case experience more of what God meant to provide for us in the area of support.


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