As we begin to understand the complexity of having a physical body we found the answer to many questions related to why we are at such a low frequency. This ‘thing’ was attached to the mother’s bloodline affecting all humans and was manufactured by Reptoid. This is a result of a first look, I am sure there is more to all the steps, and seems every bit as important to remove as DNA or Chakras. 

Step 1: Resolute

We lose our ability to be Resolute in God-aligned mission purpose fulfillment to be truthful rather than aligned with what the groupthink is. No longer able to have a pure relationship to truth things that might have been clearly become muddled, Splicing into the emotional palate of the emotional brain, not the pre-three emotional brain (amygdala)  Affects:  Physical Integration foundation shortens life Access to my original power becomes weakened 70% has to do with authority and ownership You are not functioning as a child of God 

This is done so that you feel emotion and that the palate of negative emotion is great The overlays of negative emotions are embedded in each person  in this step Negative emotions are not based on truth or purity; the more we have and entertain them, the less we experience God or the less we are God aligned Negative emotions are harvestable Negative emotions set us in low-frequency Low frequency means we have lost access our original power 

Step 2: Pure Love Is changed to commitment, covenants, shared expectations

Pure love is now experienced as a clan overlay. Love itself may be more experienced as an obligation and family ties, binding you to the way a family does relating, So it is no longer pure love. Pure love is who we are as God created us a better description of this is family ties

Step 3: Supportive

Where God is always love and support, we live in a realm of a sort in which we are only supported if we comply with the ethos of the group. Because support is conditional and embedded as such for us as tenuous, we are not encouraged or free to make individual choices that are not group-aligned. All of this takes us away from the deep knowing God is always supporting us. In this step, which is a blocker, we know God and His great love much less from what we could understand Him to be in our life, and what we experience is only 4% of the real potential

 Step 4: Precious

We are so lowered by bloodline we imagine ourselves as not precious, we experience only 3% of what God would have us know about how precious we are to Him And how precious we are as His creation This step could pull you into purgatory

 Step 5: Compassionateness

Being able to receive mercy and God’s forgiveness being able to let mistakes go live in peace, being forgivable, guilt, shame marked for life for mistakes you may have been influenced to do, but since you had some ownership of the body, you now live with dirty little secrets, knowing are gullible, or evil, or whatever forcing shame, embarrassment, and guilt hiding could pull you into a negative dream state.

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