As a one year, it is a good time for many to get a fresh start. There are times when the energies we are surrounded by are just not conducive to who we are and what we came to accomplish.
For a lily, like the ones in our California pond, the marshy muddy waters are ideal for growth, while planting roses in that wet mucky earth would be the opposite of what they need to thrive.
I had this notion when the angels had encouraged me to leave immediately. We had a lot of issues in California that were not supporting our happy life, and no matter how I attempted to address and improve these issues, they just seemed to sprout a new challenge.
Now certainly our trip to Texas, and our settling in has not been without challenges, but I’m seeing some really nice shifts in both Adelia and I thanks to the shift we made in our location.
The first thing I notice is Adelia is like a different girl, she’s working on her behaviors herself. She’s experimenting with unacceptable and acceptable behaviors, finding out what works and doesn’t, and adjusting to good choices when convinced that is the best choice.
It feels like Texas, and the land here is much more conducive to her developing her independent happy self.
Have felt some shifts as well but honestly the greatest shifts are in my little one. If you’re like me, I resist change. Moving is such a huge thing, Relocating our life friends and school…its a lot. But to experience a joyous future it is good to listen to your inner guidance. Resistance is futile. Meaning you drag out issues that want to be resolved when clinging to what was, and not moving to your next step.
So your next step may be small, taking away an addiction, or adding an activity like exercise or it may be bigger for example like us moving to a new location and setting up a new home base.
Whatever it is, big or small, when you trust yourself to jump in fully committed to your next step, miracles can and do show up! Time to fine tune your life and dive deeper into a joy filled future!