I awakened a couple of mornings back hearing the words ‘born into ignorance’. What was interesting was the experience of the word in my just waking mind was ignore – stance. Perhaps we have all been born into an ignoring ‘stance’. 

If like most you were born in a medical facility and given harmful vaccination the moment after your first breath, a vaccine to prevent hepatitis from illicit sex, and shared needle drug use, this notion a newborn baby’s body should endure trauma and poison so early on makes no sense. And yet everyone does it, it is a mandate in most medical facilities if you refuse it you are labeled a bad parent, ‘one of those’.  And so the innocents’ first moments of life endure an ignorant act. This act introduces the first neurotoxin into a little innocent system and thus ignorance begins. If you are following the news you’ll have heard many vaccinated pregnant moms have had a miscarriage or stillbirth, or death shortly after birth. There has also been a group of infants born with black eyes who seem to immediately get teeth and begin walking at 12 weeks. Taking the current vaccination can cause incredible harm to the unborn innocent. 

As you grow, your parents feed you food that rots your teeth, causes addiction, and is touted as treat. Many of these ‘treats’ have human fetal cells added to them as a flavor enhancer, thus in ignorance parents feeding their children fetal cells (a satanic ritual). A parent unknowingly begins to confuse and confound a pure system with evil influence. 

I write about this as I have shared with people the meaning of Halloween and the evil it promotes, yet seen little or no change in behavior as folks are committed to the satanic Christmas, the fun, costumes, and candy. It is what we have always done. Our parents did it with us so we will look forward to doing it with our kids as well. Ignoring Stance. 

I have brought printed docs on senomyx; the flavor addictive made in China largely from aborted fetus cells to Adelia’s school. It saddens me to say I have seen no change in the menu. ( I make Adelia’s food and send it to school for her). Is it that we are hypnotized into a state of ignoring these atrocities?  Click here to read lists of food with aborted fetal cells (dead babies) in them. 

And if you are not aware of these issues, please note I am writing this the weekend after Oct 31 and these are on my mind, but there are many other states of ignorance in which we may know something, but unconsciously choose to stay in an apathetic state and make no effort to change our behaviors around these wrong issues. And so we are born into a state of ignorance and live into a perpetual state of ignoring, refusing to take a real look at this, and in that we live in sin. Sin in my vocabulary is not an act against God, it is an act against yourself pulling you away from God’s love. 

 I ponder the notion of transformation for the next generation.  Adelia tells people they are eating dead babies, they look strange at her, and then smile and continue. 

Her grandparents asked her, as many have, how Halloween was. They ask if she had fun. She gives me the look, doesn’t tell them, mom, don’t tell them about the demon holiday and the dead babies…It’s hard to be a kid whose mom is committed to her awareness and ability to discern and choose well. Today she said in the car, mommy I don’t want any dead baby food.

It seems all too much to have to explain these issues to a child that wants to know why others are choosing to do things she now knows are wrong. Is mommy right about this she must wonder???

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