In the March 12, 2014 issue of USA today we see how adult use of the World Wide Web has risen. Stats from 1995 -2014 show  1995 had 14% of American adults using the web to 2014 with 87% of adults now frequenting the web.

With large numbers of daily users on for hours at a time, as a 100% brain regeneration expert I see three primary pitfalls most adults fall into and some simple solutions to cure brain drain and get us back celebrating the birth of the web.

Three Pitfalls of World Wide Web Brain Drain:

  • Sleep
  • Sight
  • Spirit

Sleep disorders are rapidly rising to the forefront as the source cause for poor productivity and performance in the work place.

Problem~ if you are one of the many evening computer users like my dear friend Barbara, a busy working actress and media trainer you will loose the healthy function of your pineal gland by staring into a night computer screen during the sunset hours, fooling the body that daylight is continuing and preventing the natural release of the sleep hormone melatonin.

Cure~ turn if the computer by 7 pm. Instead of doing computer work you can read a book, visit with friends or head off to a bubble bath an early sleep or relax into some intimate lovemaking. This is sure to add balance and over time get you sleeping naturally once more.

Sight problems are accelerated with long dehydrating hours starring into a computer screen.

Problem~  As your eyes dehydrate the lens hardens and the vision worsens.

Cure~Stay hydrated by drinking for ounces of water every half hour. As you take your water break stand up move to a window with a pretty view ~  breath deeply and dance wildly for 90 seconds. Drinking pure, clean water gets the brain and eyes hydrated looking at beauty restores the human spirit to the eyes~ protecting the eyes from damage and the dancing moves you out of trance into self.

Which leads us to our third and final s~ spirit.

chakra3_2152233_stdProblem~ Human spirit seems to disappear for the most part from the body as technology uses primarily the reptilian and logical brains to support functions and tasks normal to most computer users. Ever notice how disconnected you feel after a prolonged session on the web? While parts of your brain are engaged you also loose one major brain wave as you trance out. Spending many hours on the computer seems to go hand in hand with relationship skill issues and  the interruption of spiritual growth.

Cure ~take your regular breaks including water, viewing beauty and 90 seconds of dancing add deep breathing into your routine. Close your eyes breathing in pink and gold light and breathing out stale stressful energy repeat ten cycles.

A few final tips to get you right with your technology. Remind yourself you are not a machine, keep life in balance~ adding time for friends, fun and time in nature as your way of life. Daily meditation will give the brain and body an internal cleanse from the inside out .

Being your best and getting the best out of the World Wide Web requires thoughtfulness and strategy. But what in life that is worth anything doesn’t? Happy surfing ~ sleeping~ and celebrating 25 years of World Wide Web connection!