I heard this yesterday in a one-to-one session and I imagine, more are thinking this, so I thought what a wonderful opportunity to address this concern with some truth bombs!!!
Let’s start with the basic knowledge that:
- God did not create chakras, aliens intent on harvesting energy created these mechanisms.
- Of the people who have experienced full chakra removal zero of them have had emergencies related to chakra removal, all have experienced improvements in many areas, and all continue to participate in classes, working on their specific challenges. (meaning this is not a fix for everything that ails you, it is a step in the direction of being more and more God aligned.
Let’s also address the fact that you may have cultivated and worked your chakras to do some good works, this does not mean the original purpose of harvesting energy was shut off, but maybe you received a gift of reiki, which uses the chakra system for healing so the notion of removing them in your mind is a ‘no’.
Over the years, we have worked the chakras and improved their impact on humanity, and on our bodies. We worked to get color and spin more efficiently, and collapsed the notion of the area of the body with the chakra, for example, the heart chakra is in close vicinity of the chakra, we collapsed the notion of what our metaphoric heart does with the chakra.
It’s true we did work in the area and assigned jobs to the mechanism of the chakras. So can removing them pose a challenge with the jobs we gave to the chakras? The short answer is yes.
If you have wired one or more of your chakras to run healing energies through then the dismantling of the chakras will at least temporarily remove the way you have been doing your method of healing. Does this remove your innate and God-given gift of healing? No.
I test there is about a 4-day delay from the time chakras are removed to the time the healing energies you have been using, move in a new way no longer needing to anchor through chakras, which are created to harvest your energy from you.
One additional notion to ponder. Who gave you, for example, reiki? not a person, I am asking what race of beings brought in reiki to anchor through chakras, keeping you committed to an impure mechanism that is harming you? If they are a benevolent race then surely if this were an innocent mistake, they would be course-correcting rapidly and giving a new direction for utilizing this healing energy.
Did the ancient yogis have this wrong? Who was influencing them?
I have always said, they were seers. they saw what was there and sought to define and understand it. I believe they did not ask how this came to be in my system and was it from God. Chakras are pretty, appealing, and energetically interesting.
Things that are interesting and pretty we may have a hard time believing they harm us. The large majority of stealing energy from us is done through the chakras, remove the chakras and you remove 98% of the stealing energy from us, using us like cattle, livestock to feed alien races.
I urge you to consider ending the romance with chakras and putting an end to loving what is harming you. If you can do it here, other areas you struggle with will shift more easily. This is a big one, a real kingpin issue. Think about the level of mind control, group consciousness control, and miasms, memes in place to keep you loving your chakras. A LOT. HUGE.
There is stuff to figure out after chakras are removed. I am not denying that. And your blueprint aligned with God will give you the answers you need to progress and evolve as you will, beautifully.
Enroll in our upcoming 5-part Chakra removal program starting this Monday!