Hi, I’m Carol Akright. I’ a wealth coach and I help people fund their dreams. My website is ‘fundingyourdreamsnow.com’. I worked with Julie yesterday and I have to say I’m just amazed. I was feeling stuck, you know, that i know that I have things that I want to contribute, value I wanna offer, services I wanna give and I just couldn’t figure out like what’s the next step or how do I take my gifts and really give them. And when we worked together we worked on several things including my eyesight, in other words, seeing the truth of life, and my brain which I think had a lot of stuff stuck in it and it turned out that it did. But that’s what was going on with me was that I was like fuzzy thinking, I wasn’t sharp. And after we worked together, just an hour and a half, I felt lighter, I felt hope, I felt totally capable of stepping into my power. Her work is amazing. Thank you Julie.

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