While the past may influence the future it does not dictate the outcome. What we do in the present time can alter and even shift reality. Destiny is not a predestined outcome. Who we are and what we do with the knowledge and wisdom we are given has a greater influence than any timeline. It is not destiny but rather apathy that supports difficult ou... Read More
I was engaged with one of our long-time participants who has gone through a particularly rough year, and I heard again the strains of worry dominating her conversations.
I know when things are tough it's hard to have positive outcomes and yet that is what we are asked to do.
When a challenge presents itself and you cannot see a positi... Read More
God created the heavens and the earth. God created the universal realm. This realm included the stars' planetary realms and the space in between. It was unadulterated, pure, and without defilement. The realm was holy pure and true.
From the completion of the universal realm, God moved to create intelligence. And into the God clouds intelligenc... Read More
We have been working so diligently to understand the circumstances we find ourselves in. Why do we age and die? Why do things decay? Why are we so susceptible to illness and disease? And for all these questions there are many answers.
When looking at Kundalini, we begin to gain awareness of at least some of the interruptions it causes.
... Read More
The march into Jerusalem on the back of a Donkey, as people saw Jesus for who he was, the Son of God, and at that moment the people were united in their joy.
So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” ~ John 12:13
When Jes... Read More
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