You might begin each day with this question. What am I doing today that matters for eternity? In asking the question you begin to anchor that what you do, your action thought deeds, and words matter.  How you hold space for those who are not on your level or as evolved as you are matters as well. I am noticing again the need for folks to polari...
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I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear, But when he, the spirit of truth comes he will guide you in all truth. John:16 12-13  As we claim 2021 as a year dedicated to purity and truth, I am so touched by these words attributed to Lord Jesus Christ. We are not used to living in truth. It is right here. Jesus says: "I have more...
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I was recently interviewed on the topic of connecting with Source.  I see source connection invites us to both look in and out and then to reach up. Inner seeking Daily meditation, prayer, singing chanting, contemplation, and allowing the mind to rest on divine ideas, notions, and ponderings. Outer Actions Using the gifts you were bles...
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In the Christian calendar, this is the time of year that is dedicated to the memory of the final week of Lord Jesus Christ's life on earth and his resurrection into the heavens. Not only do we remember the sacrifice and the actual details which we seek to understand, but we are left with a concept that the loss of life, and being born into sin, so ...
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As you well know, if you are participating in our community on some kind of regular basis that the Golden legion, a group of protector angels has been working with our community for a very long time. In the Quantum Academy they showed up for us 15 years ago, their numbers building offering help, encouragement, and support to our efforts.  They ...
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