We were able to remove much of what we had listed in the divine-human blueprint under intelligence processing centers, what was left were just two areas that were from God. Those 2 areas were:
Transformation Wisdom Response
As we experience transformation in the quantum field we understand and experience it through God wisdom consciousness th... Read More
In the Overriding category of our list from the master chart blueprint supporting realms area is Abundance- this area is using mental energy and ‘will’ or willpower which is mental energy l to cause a shift in reality. It is less powered than conscious God magnetism with God's strength
What this area overrides in the blueprint is Pure Go... Read More
Lots of learning and adjusting to God created blueprint continue here in the academy classes and we are now getting to items in the place we used to call intelligence processing centers What we came down to in class was that the only 2 areas that were God-created and original to the blueprint of Intelligence processing centers were
Origina... Read More
As the week slugged on and the fourth of July arrived, I still found myself exhausted weak, and greatly in need of more rest and so my freedom-loving celebration day was about managing 3 little ones and resting every second I could. I had meant to get out our Sunday newsletter for that day, but I was still just to spent writing, so we went a week w... Read More
What’s up with the brain? When we begin to look at brain regeneration, which will be done this week in our Energize program, we have to start asking a question. What was the brain like at God, sourced, creation? I think the answers are intriguing. I believe that we were much more conscious, and less matter when you look at the reptilian and emot... Read More