Can we stop the possibility of the soul being stolen (or temporarily removed) when watching a movie or by having it taken through a cell phone, etc.? Is that like the feeling of getting “sucked into” a movie – the effect of integration of quantum to exist? Author Association Ability Integration of Quantum to: Exist Hijacked Author Association Ability shutting down God Strength Door overtaking must be down with Speed Reverse half-moon 

What about soul fragmentation? Is that something real? This can happen during sleep or rest or in rest where you are not sleeping but not active Shut down of God Strength Door overridden by the Amplification of darkness and malefic intent of others, inability to participate in my own mission purpose override of my  Integration of Consciousness 70% loss of being in charge of my  imaginings and what i am creating Shut down of Purpose Fulfillment 90% Spin

Is there such a thing as selling your soul, like in Little Mermaid? Author Association Ability we Intend authority experience Physical foundation  Shutting down our God aligned  Purpose Fulfillment We have to use I create with conscious imaginings energized with Breath Provided by God Door Ascend and prayer many hours

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