I was on an international flight when Nelson Mandela passed. Although I was not aware he had passed I was very clear and aware of his presence. It was a long, all night flight, yet, I could hear Nelson speaking to me in the darkness. I was hearing his speech, very similar to the one he is so famous for, but it was coming in very personal, as if our thoughts were merging and he was giving me the blessing of his vision and inspiration. After a long time of being present to his essence, I pulled out my iPhone. It was dark, the whir of the airplane engines had lulled folks to sleep. It was a magical moment for sure. In my first class seat I quietly wrote my impressions of our commingling thoughts into my the only technology I had access to. Here are my notes from that incredible night:

“Who are you to play small? You, who would just survive, defer dreams and ignore the gifts and talents you were gifted? Having ‘survived’ the worst of human health challenges, even death itself, I ask you now if you can honestly say you are playing your life at 100 percent?

If the living of your life were measured like an Ivy League grading system, could you say in all aspects of your life, health, relationships and expression that you were indeed living to your full potential? Are you planning to get your work and mission into the world in this lifetime while you have momentum and ability to fulfill your vision?

You were born into this life charged with a mission and a purpose. Why are you holding back? Everything you need to fulfill your divine purpose is already within you. By holding back your light, your love, your vision, you deny all of us humans the deepest gifts of your essence.

I charge you to live life full; with a generosity and gratefulness to change heaven and earth for the betterment of all. Deny me not the privilege of your best 100 percent life. You are so much more than you have shared to this point. Isn’t now the time to live 100 percent?”

That was December 5th 2013. Whew so much has shifted since then for me and my growing team. I have to say I got into fierce action that year and now have a members site, top notch website 8 books on amazon, a meditation app and more importantly our quantum academy teaching thousands of students the human blueprint and the use and activation techniques for the quantum field.

I know that the success of this work is not in the many, many people who come to me to learn, but in the one by one of each individual who gets to own their power and is able to step up to the level of happiness and mastery in their life in present time. You’re an important part of the work moving forward. Your presence and commitment make a difference for all humanity.

More importantly, having your life work better, feel better, more fully expressed and healthier is what I hope we gain together as you allow me to mentor and guide you through the coming years.