Why do we pray? Who do we pray to? Does God the  Creator know who you are, your gifts and limitations and would he ask you to live a life you would not choose to live?

 In this first article, we will chat about Committing to serving God, assisting humanity, and FEAR. 

A question came in during the emotions removal marathon after I had talked about committing to being in the service of God, I thought it might be helpful to explore as it is possible many of you feel how this student does. 

I also would like to allow God to work through me but with a happy full totally unencumbered heart. I do pray constantly. However, how do I get rid of this fear of losing control around losing my family? It’s so fearful and heavy on my heart. 

I want to take this apart so you can understand the component of freedom aligning with God. 

I also would like to allow God to work through me.

I do not ‘allow’ God to work through me. I asked God to use e as a vessel for His Holy works. Allow is a word that implies I will be controlling God and His actions. I stand in service of God and in each class and action I am obedient to the work He asks me to do. I am never in charge of God’s assignments, I am a willing vessel, ready to serve using the gifts I have been outfitted with the do to the glory of God the work entrusted to me to do. 

A reframing would be: I welcome and invite God to work through me. 

but with a happy, full, totally unencumbered heart

This is interesting in that it may imply that a person would feel encumbered or unhappy in the service of God. Or that the work God set for you to do would be denying you the happiness you may now have, or want to have. I have found that when I am in the work of God, whether it is hosting a lonely shut-in neighbor, or rescuing angels, there is great joy and peace, I am experiencing in the fulfillment of my purpose. God will give each of us different works to do. Being kind and generous, and loving the people He puts in your life is a key assignment to us all. 

A reframing would be: I trust that joy, peace, and ease is a fruit of the spirit in this service to God. 

I do pray constantly

A couple of things. To Pray constantly is not to only ask for your ‘daily bread’ so to speak. but to celebrate what has shifted and transformed and ask how you can serve better. The other discussion we should have is whether are you praying to Father/ Creator God? I have come to understand that some of our community pray to angels, Pleiadeans, and fairies. God has instructed us through His word to pray only to Him and no other. You can interact with the rest, but God is the source of the response. Trust that God is there and listening and will answer in His time is important. 

A reframing would be: I pray to God offering my adoration and appreciation, I lay my request before Him and know He has heard and will answer in His time. Miracles follow where trust and faith are present. 

However, how do I get rid of this fear of losing control around losing my family?

If we are trying to rid ourselves of something, rid ourselves of fear, we are on the wrong track. Fear can only take root when we are fighting against it. The Psalms are filled with scripture to put your hope faith and trust in the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever.  Embrace what you imagine you are fearful of and let go of attempting to control the outcome.  Fear is an illusion when trust is not being exercised fully. Is God a loving God? Does He love you? Think of Him as a loving father who is thrilled with every action and good effort you make to live a life that is true, pure, and honorable. 

A reframing would be: Everything in my life is from God, I own nothing and control nothing. God loves me and gave me all good things and my life will shift and grow as I do, I am at peace. 

 It’s so fearful and heavy on my heart

Being in service of God is not a competition, God or family. It is God first because He gave you family, not family first. God will not ask you to leave or abandon your family for some big mission in Africa. Service to God is not a heavy or fearful proposition. God will not ask you to do more than you can or more than you were equipped to do. We have many hidden gifts, it seems in those moments when I am really stretched, and cry out God I do not think I can bear this, whalah, I do bear it and many rewards follow that faithful willingness from a heart that is there to grow and become more. 

When the stretching and growing happen it is important to not attempt to be in charge of the outcome. We may want something that is not good for us or the timing is off, or a different better version is what is meant to come in. Our stubbornness can get in the way of receiving gifts from God. We may wait years for something that could have been ours in a moment because we let our fear block God’s good gifts.

A reframing would be: My heart is filled with Joy as I serve God and look to His will to bless my family and my joyous heart.