I may need to address this in several segments over the coming weeks to fully do this issue justice, but rather than wait till I have 6-8 hours to scope this out I will share what I know so far and continue to report to you what I am learning as the days progress. This is what I have learned so far about harvesting seems to be specific to dark-skinned south African humans. 

There is something unique in their makeup that makes them a commodity. Long ago it was their physical strength as they were brought over to serve as slaves but this same strength seems to carry throw with something in the present time and the value of these lives continue not to be expendable.   God revealed to me through an experience of the Holy Spirit that the cells are being harvested for their strength. Somehow these brown and black-skinned peoples have cells that are stronger, actually physically stronger than other races. 

Here are a few facts I was shown:

  1. The abortion clinics are all in black neighborhoods. They exert a great deal of consciousness control on these women to be sexually active and to think of abortion as a reproductive right. In some cases killing the baby up to 24 hours after the birth of the child is known as infanticide. These babies are sold for parts, a child fairly far into gestation can bring upwards of $20,000. Because the strength of cell is 13% higher, these children’s cells harvested are used for skin care, hair care, stem cells for medical procedures, flavor enhancers, and much more. 900,000 infants a year in black neighborhoods are harvested and sold to corporations to use for parts.
  2. I read a statistic that shocked me. 49% of children traffic in Alabama were little black girls.  There is an attitude from the largely white elitists that the black race is the ‘expendable race’. These children both black and white are used for sex slavery and for the satanic torture and harvesting of adrenochrome – pedophiles (adults perpetrating sex acts on children)/pedophores (adults perpetrating horrific tortures and crimes on children and killing them). This group is made up of  86% Caucasian men and women.

Why is this happening:

  • Stem cells and adrenochrome have been used with the folks who want to have life extension going for physical immortality
  • A percentage of children taken are taken by the government and used to turn into super soldiers.
  • Reptilians influence, people who are identified as ‘black’ are the expendable race.
  • The corruption of the race is driven by those like the fallen angel Nephelium who read as unforgivable.
  • Abortion and trafficked children are used 100% for satanic rituals. meaning killing and torturing are either demonic or satanic, not of God regardless of the scientific or medical rationale behind the evil deeds.
  • Since western medicine is formed on lies and untruth/half-truths and drives everyone to pharmaceuticals instead of restorations and cures it tests as   87% satanic.
  • The stem cell harvesting of infants -fetus is the main reason for abortion 30% are harvesting the infant body for reuse and repurposing ;(.
  • 30% of the children taken for sex by the pedophile – pediphore s are very young
  • 50% of the traffic children are taken for baby factory slaves aged 8-16, so those running these factories have unlimited human cells to work on immortality.
  • 10% of those taken are being used for organ harvesting age 12 -24
  • 7% consciousness controls experimentation, MKULtra this looks like a group at least are taken to be made into super soldiers
  • 6% torture and harvesting adrenochrome. The adrenochrome from these children reads 40% stronger when procured from the African race. 

Certain cells known as HeLa cells were the only ones to be able to be cultured in the lab and propagated. These cells were from a black woman, Henrietta Lacks. This was done at John Hopkins. I will write more on this in the future.