A covenant is a promise made by 2, you and another. It is a binding agreement. Last week I wrote I had discovered a covenant I had with God for Him not to help me with my physical healing of my own body. The benefit of this binding agreement was that I would suffer and learn from my suffering so that I could help others. The disadvantage was to remain at 8% with clearing joint issues in my hands, and I’m sure many other issues.
This morning as I woke I wondered if I had one covenant, could I have more? The answer I got was yes, I have 8 more covenants.
I think it is important to clarify they are not always with God. The first one I saw was with the Land. As far as I can tell covenants always work against you and it seems somehow ego is involved in this challenge.
I’m testing our average student has 16-22 challenging covenants. What I will do for a while is work in the clearing statement of our charts to clear these, if there is not enough movement we will have a class on the topic.
An example of what can happen with a covenant cleared was an exciting experience this past Wednesday in Energize. We were working Heart, Cardio, Blood, circulation, and lymph. We completed a full 30 minutes early, and honestly, this is a really big clearing regeneration, we have never finished that early before, ever.
As we seek to be more aligned with God we continue to discover what is in play that does not sync up with our intentions and we are blessed to clear these malefic issues.