As we continue with the connected and Aligned program Forever 201, I am moved by the level of God’s connection already showing up. We’ve completed 2 of the 24 incredible activations, and I am feeling such a presence of the Divine in my life and the academy.

Committing to connection with God alignment.

I believe this is the same commitment, or very similar to the one made in Christianity to Christ.

In my youth, I was active in the Born Again movement. I went to 76 of my peer’s homes in high school friends and prayed with them for a deep and committed relationship with Christ. I have always walked with the love of Jesus in my heart, and for me, even at 16 and 17 years old, it was effortless to awaken at 5 am dress, eat and go to early morning bible study before my cross country team met for early morning training.

In Genesis, we hear of the creation. And the plurality of God. And how the Holy Spirit shall come as a spirit of truth upon us.

As I was allowing my mind again to receive my heart’s delivery, I felt once more this beautiful Doxology.

Create in me a clean heart oh God

And renew a right spirit within me

Cast me not away from the presence

And take not thy Holy Spirit from me

Restore unto me the Joy of thy salvation

And uphold me with thy free spirit

Amen Amen

Why do I love these words so much? Why do they speak so deeply to my heart in every area of my life? And Why now do they come to me once more to share with you?

Create in me a clean heart oh God 

This declaration to be cleansed, with the assistance of God, is the acknowledgment that I have come into this world without a clean heart. I have been weighed down by what the ancient church would call the sins of the parents. But we know from our research and charting that the clean heart is not just influenced by the parental line, and certainly not just from the sins (sins meaning things that break your alignment with the love and grace of God but that there are many ills and evils in the world that affect how much and deeply I love. Starting with, do I love myself deeply as God loves me? I think this is likely an impossible task but a very worthy intention. God’s love for us is beyond understanding and beyond our awareness. God/ Elohim/Trinity are not apathetic, disinterested, or punishing. God, worthy of all praise, all Glory in the magnificence we can only begin to glimpse at is the essence of unending love, a love beyond measure.

When we think of the heart, which is a brain, a loving brain, really, we look at how crippled we are to fully love and show compassion to others in their confusion and ignorance, still holding the space for them as radiant beings of purity and light.

We will continue to look at this beautiful scriptural text in the upcoming weeks and ponder the meaning of each line as it relates to our work in the Academy.