We are in a time where social feelings are in the place of the King on deciding on any issue. Rather than looking at facts, individuals observe feelings and actions of those they admire. The breakdown in this is that those admired may not have actually done any research, or be saying something because they have been paid to influence the masses, and what they are saying isn’t based on truth. 

This all started with advertising, right? Get a celebrity to endorse a product and it would sell leaps and bounds more than if a product just on merits alone were sold to the population. Selling an idea on social influence and feeling (which can be manipulated) is how the issue of memes (group mind, and miasms (group mind virus) got its start. 

We have a few authentic feelings that are our base of operations from the Divine. Joy, love, compassion, and hope. Our inner landscape loves to hang out in these true feelings but rarely gets the chance to. feelings of outrage, anger, hatred, and maliciousness did not come from God but have their source in evil. 

An example of feelings misdirected might be in an organization like BLM, which convinces certain individuals that they are oppressed or oppressive. It stirs up action from emotions of victimhood and blame, guilt and shame, and rather than working on what is already good and right and building on that it seeks to keep folks fighting against themselves in an endless tail-chasing exercise. This misdirect stops productive forward movement. 

I am seeing this a lot on social media, blaming shaming or claiming to be oppressed. None of this is how we were created, and is segregating and separating. 

I have heard this numerous times, I did my research and decided this…Well in the case of the recent mRNA jab, I have heard folks say their research was, politicians, taking it and even Elon Musk if he says taking it must be good. Another person told me that her Doctor told her too. Another said it saves lives. And as this gets built up in a group mind virus, people proudly ask, have you gotten your shots? I’ve gotten all three of mine! As if to declare they are a very special person for making the world better. 

If I am saying this is all off, how can we make a great decision that is based on facts? 

1. What is in the Jab? The insert is blank, so we must defer to 2 avenues of fact-finding, a. the veritas research that has gone undercover and gotten the developing scientists to talk about the drug and its content. b. Even better, find the researchers who have examined the serum under a microscope, many have photos or videos of what they have found. Then find out what the ingredient might be expected to do in the short term, or over the long term.

So in this research, we are taking more responsibility, and although we likely do not have the expertise of a scientific researcher we can look to those who do have this expertise and are sharing their facts with us.

2. We can look at the statistics of the issue. If we are looking into the Jab, there is a research agency that keeps a record of reported adverse effects. we can see what has been reported, to for example know how safe it is. VAERS is the governmental agency collecting data on vakseens.

3. You could as well look at the folks you have been under the influence of. It is interesting to note a person like Elon Musk is a transhumanist. Meaning he is all about ‘advancing’ humanity through adding technology, making a person a hybridized human. He has many times spoken out about this. This is a philosophy that directs one away from God’s blessings and away from the rich blessings of a fully human experience.

There are so many ways to find the facts in whatever topic you are researching, but I am going to say, taking a person’s word for it, or matching a group behavior is NOT RESEARCH. 

Since I mention the mRNA poke here are just a few of the many individuals and groups providing factual information about this issue. 

  • America’s Front line Doctors
  • Dr Richard Bartlett
  • Dr Judy Mikovits
  • VAERs
  • CDC (has stats)
  • Dr Brian Ardis
  • Dr. Tenpenny  

 Resources are everywhere, you just need to look. Making an uninformed decision can be the worst thing you have ever done, and unfortunately, we all have done it. It is now in this incredible era of life based on purity and truth we must all look to find life-giving and life-supporting ways of being. This is done, not from social influence but by using your brain and delving into whatever is in front of us to discover. 

Finally, I know what I am asking of you is hard. To research topics, you will be involved in deciding even if it’s to just look the other way and ignore an atrocity, yes this is challenging.  But I believe in you and your ability to learn and grow and become all that God created you to be, wonderful, glorious, filled with hope, and most importantly dedicated to a long wondrous life!