We discovered this week that you can be completely clear of the spike protein, no longer susceptible to getting the other scary things jabbed into the people participating with the Vahkseen; you may still get sick. But the good news is it is from you matching, not from getting the problems put into the vahkseen. Let me explain this more so you understand and can take action if you are feeling poorly after being around people who have been jabbed. 

Adelia has become ill several times, we did apparently last month get CO — VID one of the newest versions, and over it in a couple of days. But her illness is from being around kids and likely some teachers at school who have those with the poka doodle. 

What is happening is Adelia is matching. How can you know if you have this issue, and what happens when you match someone with a dangerous issue in them? 

Adelia has for a long time-matched her friends; she observes them and mimics them. This is a way that she is popular and makes friends. She started doing this when she could not speak, and other kids her age could. her communication and her intention to make friends and have fun strengthened her matching issue. 

A match is indiscriminate mirroring using the light of cell. Only about 15% of people do this. It misdirects the mirroring from light of cell to match based on a need to survive. it starts extremely young, again not everyone does this and it is a malfunction of the mirror of light of cell. 

Do you feel weak, ill, tired, have actual symptoms when around folks who have been jabbed? and if that is a yes, have you done my recent  Vak clearing program?  If you’ve been cleared you are likely matching. I am not saying what you are feeling is not real, your light of cell is mirroring the problem energy. You won’t have the for example spike protein, but you’ll have the symptoms of it. 

What can I do?

Ascend 4 hours with the intention of ending match. I have cleared Adelia, she should not match poorly on any topic in the future.  What you are actually clearing is match. Match is a realm it is in column 2 on our master chart, and well worth taking the time to clear. 

If you have not done the recent 90 min clearing, please do that first.