A question came up in Energize: 

People who have near-death experiences often report seeing a bright white light and are drawn to it, feeling immense love. D.I. and other teachers are saying not to follow that light as it is a false AI web that forces us to reincarnate. What is your KNOWING about this? I trust your input. THANKS! Is the white light coming from God or from nefarious sources? 

So, is the white light coming from God? No

I see this as a multi-tiered problem that we knowingly or not, have been working to improve for a while.  That being the restoration of the death angel to escort those leaving their body to their appropriate destination. 

Here first is the article I wrote 18 months ago on heaven and the 16 areas I had been able to identify. Why Do Some Good People Not Get Into Heaven?

We have talked about white light in some detail over time; but have not revisited it lately, so let me refresh your memory on the white light phenomenon. 

I learned in the trans medium program or Berkeley Psychic Institute that white light put in front of your body allowed you as a spirit to stay in the loop close to your body while another spirit came into your head to channel. White light is a trans medium opportunity. What I mean by that is a spirit will find you very permeable if you have white light around you. You lose your boundaries and are easily penetrated when you are sitting in white light. 

We as well over the past few years have talked about ‘feelings’ versus experience. Feelings are transient and are controllable. Experience resonates with truth. You have likely felt anger or rage, in the presence of a person who is angry or filled with rage, and you know that that did not come from you. The good warm feeling you associate with love can as well be manufactured. 

If you go to this white light that has a feeling of love, as I observe it, this path after death takes you to a recycle back, reincarnate within 4 years, a reincarnation machine generated to get your boots back on the ground rapidly. Kurs set it up. The more humans you have in body, the more you can harvest the energies derived from anger and difficult emotions, loosh. 

So another question: should I follow the light ..no. You will not see an angel of death, there will be no escort, don’t go. But someone asked if there was a being there. I do not see that this is how the machine works. More on death angels in the last article below.