Such a surprise once more this week as we came to understand the plight of death angels. There are currently about 500 in service working to help escort folks from their body to the heavenly realms. It is important to look back and examine the history of this angel to see what the origin was and how they have changed through the great battles of darkness and purity.

Death angels, much like guardian angels, served a specific role in the embodiment of humanity. Guardian angels are present at birth; 2 to 9 angels help with ushering in the birth. Within a few weeks, just two guardian angels remain, and by the 6th or 7th birthday, just one guardian angel stays on. They, at birth act much like a midwife. At the end of life, there is another angel that appears. Historically it is the death angel. They were set to help make a smooth transition out of the body and be guided into the heavenly realms.

When I was at a near-death experience, I saw an angel of death. It was perhaps 6 months after the serious accident that landed me in a wheelchair. I had been on heavy pain meds that masked a very life-threatening kidney infection that had gone systemic (into my brain and heart). I had rigors, this is where the infection is taking over, and my body was convulsing uncontrollably. I lay on the bed, barely breathing, when the angel of death appeared to me. He hovered over me, his body parallel to my body in a dark brown hooded robe. I saw him with my eyes open, he said, okay, you can come with me. My response was, I’m sure not what he expected!

Get thee behind me, Satan, I said out loud, I know you are not Satan, I know you are the angel of death, but I have no intention of going with you. He said okay, almost like a shrug of the shoulders, and left.

I thought my response was interesting, that he resembles at least something of Satan, or why would I have said that?  This was almost 20 years ago, so my discernment was good but more organic.

Apparently, 80,000 years ago, there were about 60,000 death angels. They were good, pure beings ready to be in-service of purity and life.  What was such a surprise to me was these angels were under the guidance of the archangel Lucifer, who sat at the right hand of God. When Lucifer fell into darkness, most of the death angels followed him and became the core of his minion. Those death angels that fought against Lucifer were ripped to shreds, and we are now helping those into the light brigade. I was able to restore 378 this week. There are more waiting. The 500 who survived have gone through deep hardships, and what felt like apathy can now be understood as deeply overworked dealing with death nonstop and never being able to really do a joyful job in any death.

This may also be why so many souls, which we have moved out of purgatory, were there in the first place. The simple fact is there were not enough death angels to maintain the innocent moving from death to heavenly realms and healing temples. the souls we have moved out of limbo were the ones used in satanic ritual and sacrifice. 440,000 I one week was shifted, all of our angel helpers and Jesus and Mary worked diligently to assist in this miraculous transformation.

There are no less than 7000 waiting, along with all the others we are restoring. Our 10-year mission is much needed.

In many ways, our work has become known as a hospital, where triage and restoration are rapidly taking place.