I have been back at the Accelerate Wealth program, getting up at 5 am to do the lesson and mediation prior to the start of our long days. The program has such a distilling and focusing energy; I find myself having the awareness even prior to the morning’s lesson on what will make a difference right now for me, the home, Adelia, and the academy.

One morning this week, I felt an urgency to clean the front entry both inside and out. The first day I started, I wrote 10 thank you notes (that felt so good). Today it was clear I needed to get back on track with my planning. When I am on track, I am very organized. Planning the goals for the week, month and year is a sheer joy for me and helps me accomplish way more than I could have imagined.

We are all meditators in our community; it is easy to dream, imagine and mediate a wonderful future. However, the key to being truly successful is in the culling out of the ideas that will work and the actions taken to move forward.

Think of your top 3-4 priorities. Make it clear what you intend to accomplish and imagine how you will feel once done. Write them down and look at them several times a day. Some goals are out in the future; others are more immediate.  Imagine how you feel when you have really accomplished your goal, both the short-term once and the long-term once. Make sure to celebrate the wins. …okay, I’m back to unpacking boxes!!!!