The number one thing I do with my students is clear them. Yes its true, even before regeneration the most important process creating a firm foundation for health wealth love and great success is to clear.

Where the Problems Originate

The number one area where harmful programs lurk is in the supporting realm of amplification. It is in this field or realm that we find soul contracts, demonic, satanic and evil spirit curses and unfortunately spiritual parasites.

The field of amplification is our law of attraction accelerator. But if you are a person who loves to watch television shows that show murders, war movies, or bang – bang shoot ‘em up movies, your field is rapidly acquiring information you likely don’t want in your field.

Group mind is also notorious for adding problems that limit your joy and full self-expression, and this can move into family program in DNA and bloodline/clan challenges.

Together you and I clear all the parts of the human blueprint and get you pumping your way to freedom and full self-expression with a happier healthier body.

Getting the exact knowledge and understanding of what you are clearing and how to progress through a clearing is vital to 100% success.

Core Life Challenges

I recently spent 100 hours clearing betrayal. Wow you say that sounds crazy right? Not really. Think about collecting harmful programs an entire lifetime. And then amplify that by many lifetimes you have experienced and finally ad to that your family influence. There’s a whole heck of a lot in programs and thought forms causing you to show u as who you are.

What are your core issues? What have you been challenged with your entire life?

  1. Betrayal
  2. Emotional and Physical Toxicity
  3. Servitude
  4. Lack of Self Love
  5. Violence and Abuse

Take a minute to listen to the voices in your head…yep I am actually telling you this once to listen to them, they are keeping your core challenges strong. When you learn to clear the core challenges you also at the same time clear the voices who would keep those negative looping thoughts going for a lifetime.

Once clear we can move to sustain and nurture. This is the area where rebuilding your life, whether new cells are needed or a new field for wealth and abundance are called for. And the final step in quantum activations is the amplification and acceleration of all good. In this phase you can reach your highest expression of self and really step into a powerful life of joy, love and yes, contribution to others.

So let’s focus on getting you clear and detoxified. This is where the real movement happens when beginning your journey of quantum rejuvenation.