We have all our Christmas story books along with us. In the collection of books we have the Dr. Seuss book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. In the book we see a grouchy Grinch high on a hill looking over the peoples below thinking how can I stop Christmas from coming. 

It’s funny but this year was really playing out like the story. With the government saying no family travel no family gatherings and in many states no church gatherings. Stores, gosh in one state even grocery stores were closed. And with many out of work for months, gift giving was reduced, in many families skipped this year. 

But the spirit of love giving and celebrating the birth of a baby boy who would bring God’s presence to earth, could any governing entity actually steal Christmas? 

For Adelia and I, we got out of Whoville and went on a journey. This allowed us to attend church, have family and friends zoom calls and phone calls and actually have a lovely Christmas. 

In the story the Grinch’s heart grows a couple sizes at the end, as he witnesses the goodness and love of the who’s, who didn’t have any of their trappings, of presents and trees, yet still sing for the celebration of Christmas day. Christmas comes after all?  In the story the Grinch cuts the roast beast at the end. The Grinch this year may be the governing edicts, but it may be what we do with the governing edicts.

Just a thought, did you let the rules of the lockdown steal your joy and connection, or did you find your heart determined to have a joyous day with whatever you had available to you? Did you make it a joyous Holiday? 

Accessing the Joy and Intention fields can support your happy holidays.

What can you do to make the celebration of New Year a wonderful passage? How can you joyfully anticipate a fresh new calendar year regardless of what is happening around you? What can you do to make it a more sacred and extra ordinary day? 

I wish you the Joy of the season! Let’s make 2021 magical as we put a completion to 2020’s passage.