There are weeks that are particularly difficult. This is one of those weeks for the Doering family. Knowing that God has us covered and that all that is progressing is as it should be, somehow we- I must trust in the journey God is laying out before me and my children. On this 5th day after my daughter’s worst episode that has her in a children’s psychiatric ward leading to some long-term care, I am left today quiet. On precious days of grief and looping thoughts today, it is a quiet mind, a reflective heart, and a wondering.

May God bless us all this week with a deepening understanding. Who can we each be when it seems there is nothing and everything to do? What is needed, and what must we be still for and allow to happen?

The self was still…

I remember a time when there was no speaking

When sound was outside of the realm

The self was still.

There was no separation from the great we

We heard the vibrations of the brilliance

We heard the voice of love

Our self responded to the becoming

A time when real was all

And manifest was illusion

The we knew the self fully

The self knew the we.


The silence and the ecstasy…

There was no lack, no separateness

Only the echoing vibrations of the we

The we were the many and yet we maintained

The silence and the ecstasy of the we

Great gratitude abounded in all parts of the we

Joy and peace, were the stations of our parts