This week, I’ve had a chance to speak with a good representation of participants across many countries and discovered many of our people have struggled with trauma triggers, especially in the past 18 months.

What are trauma triggers, and what part of the blueprint do they involve?

A trauma trigger calls to the forefront something from your recent or distant past (including something that happened in a past life). It unsettles you, disturbs your equilibrium, and can disrupt healthy mental function.

As I listened to people share their hearts with me, I understood there to be at least 4 ways we are being triggered by trauma as individuals in a community.

The areas I identified:

  1. Baby Horrors
  2. Imprisonment and Isolation
  3. Torture
  4. Dehumanizing

We have in past years presented classes on birth trauma, healing the mother and father wound, and now it feels like we must neutralize the ‘terror’ stimulated by all the global human events coming to the public eye. It is difficult to be sensitive, see more deeply, and be aware of things others do not or choose not to see, but with this awareness, we can make changes to our realm; those who remain unaware cannot.

I’ve added to our schedule a class on trauma triggers. This is a program meant to deal with the onslaught of triggers we’ve been experiencing the past 18 months. We have a page already up on this program; I could hear in some of our dear ones that the need is urgent; to be fully effective in quantum work, we must come from stable ground. Here is the link to the trauma triggers page; the program is coming up in a few weeks.

Know you are loved and precious and make a difference. Your being here at this time helps us change the set points for all of humanity.

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