Do Spiritual Masters, Not embodied, Have DNA? 

Yes. I saw a small percentage in the Spiritual Masters we are working with. There was a slightly larger percentage if they had incarnated at least one on the earthly plane. So what does this mean and how did they get it if God did not create or approve DNA? 

One way we are seeing it came in was through fallen angels. For the Masters who did not incarnate, we must begin to look at how these masters are missing parts of spirit? And how does this messing happen? 

With no incarnation, I still saw a 2-3percent DNA issue. Looks like it came through anchors. These anchors were created by reptilians and hybrids. It appears it was absorbed 26,000 years ago, definitely unwillingly and without their knowledge. This is going into presence. When incarnating more is picked up in high self and carried into the future energetic life. 

Does Facade Change when DNA is Removed?

I found this past week quite interesting as several eastern connections a guru and a former music partner reappeared and spoke to me as I was removing my DNA. I had to wonder why they both saw me at almost the same moment. Both were apologetic for not recognizing me while we were in life together, not treating me with the respect I deserved, but beyond that, they said I was so bright, I shine so beautifully. 

This got me wondering if DNA had a secondary purpose of dimming our light and brightness so that we were not seen for who we truly were, or even more than that, that we were unaware of who we were as God had created us, is because of that lived a life dealing with lower and mundane issues rather than the works and matters of the heavenly realms. 

What is God’s Source Code in Relation to DNA?

I have heard people speak of God’s source code and in so doing implying that God’s source code is located in DNA. Since God did not create DNA and it is clear it was a technology of a kind to control and manipulate us, could God source code in DNA? 


The source code for human creation is in the Divine Human Blueprint. We could likely improve on the word’s source code to the complex pattern of human design. Source code almost implies we are created from a computer program. 

The magical and fanciful idea that DNA is God’s source code is 100% incorrect. We are not made from a code. We are not a unit. God is not coding us like man, seeking to create a trans-humanized man is now adding code to man, through the system of DNA that accepts hybriding.