Watch what laws in your state or country are being passed in the treatment of the dead. Is the traditional burial falling by the wayside for some kind of cremation? Are bodies of people who agreed to leave their bodies to science or organ donation, going to fertilize crops? 

In our woman’s program, we had a lively discussion on the cavalier recycling of human tissue/bone after death.  Please note the Satanists are getting laws passed to contaminate the purity of our food supplies, and in so doing harm us by hiding evil in our nutrients. 

Please also note that there is good in the world, and pure individuals set out to deliver good clean pure products. We are seeking to support the pure and diminish the evil practices on the earthly realm rapidly. 

If you were not in the women’s class I thought you might appreciate a glimpse into the conversion shared, please note many of our participants are true experts, legal, medical, and scientific. All of our participants work diligently seeking to find the truth so that we might together create a better world and life align with who we were created to be as designed by God.

 From the chat conversation:

  • I’ve lately heard that dead human bodies are liquified to make fertilizer -Anneli
  • When they do cremation, they liquify them I believe that is chemical cremation -Joyce
  • A law was recently passed allowing this process to “dispose of ” bodies. -Eileen
  • It’s no mistake all these new laws are being passed, they have had strategic plans in the works for some time regarding cremation and burials, etc. of bodies of those who’ve been jabbed and what people will be allowed to do. -Dawn
  • There is also a law in Washington state – if I have this correct – that allows the unvaccinated to be put somewhere else supposedly for public health. -Eileen  
  • Even some of the flour and grains (even some organic ones) have bone, and bone ash. I threw all Pillsbury, after muscle testing the pantry, and found a cake mix that one of kinds bought- Pillsbury. So not just Senomyx is the issue.  -Sherri
  • They also use bone-in cement. I’ve often wondered about the implications of that with the meaning of bones -Carole 

Are there ways to vote against these kinds of laws? Is there a way to draw attention to the immorality of this path of evil? Is there anything you can do on a physical level to halt this?

We will continue to clear evil, especially satanic evil from the earth. As well we are bringing back Angel type 16 who once oversaw the nutrition and food supplies for human angel. They will need to be reinstated in their role as only 3 are serving in some way in this effort.