When I read this scripture this morning it jumped out at me in a bold new light, It was a teaching for us to protect our hearts and minds, all that may fall under the influence of the pressures and societal norms. Do not go along with what the crowd is doing, be eccentric, be true to truth and be willing to be uncomfortable, because being a truth seeker, walking in purity isn’t always popular. 

Here is the passage from Roman 12 

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, and sisters in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

I urge you, brothers, and sisters – A heart filled request 

in view of God’s mercy – loving acceptance and restoration despite wrongs and imperfections 

to offer your bodies as living sacrifices – instead of going along with the crowd, offer every action: thought, word or deed to the best possible life lived embodied and fulfilled

 holy and pleasing to God – which leaves behind greed, hedonism and apathy, to a life lived with the ideal of being greater than our past, better than what we have been able to follow so far, a life to delight God. I don’t think this is a life without errors, we are not God, nor should we think we could be. I’ve always said, when you first come into this work don’t think you are a master, you are really in preschool or perhaps kindergarten, be willing to learn and grow and in time you will master the work. 

this is your spiritual act of worship – meaning as you live your daily life with the intention of being better, with God in mind, you honor God, you honor life, you honor your miraculous blueprint. 

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world – meaning, here it is New year beginning and there is an opportunity to not go along with the status quo a moment longer. You can leave apathy and unconsciousness behind in the past. Don’t go along with what everyone is being told to think, act or do, be a unique you, hitch your wagon post to God’s truth. 

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind – meaning clearing your thoughts of the garbage of the world’s proverbial deceptions, refresh your brain (even using our regeneration techniques) and question everything. Be loving, respectful and humble, you may need to blast apart your notions of reality a bit to land in truth but be willing and prayerful and it will come. 

I was speaking to a family member, who went off on the lies of the pandemic/media deceptions, and I had to take a deep breath and agree not to broach the subject with them, that in time perhaps they would see more, if they wished it, but until that time, there is not changing their notions of reality. 

I saw a husband and wife in church, no masks, braced for judgement. Their faces were not joy filled, their jaws locked, eyes looking forward not connecting with others, unwilling to play the mask ‘game’.  I know we have folks who believe in masking in our community, and likely as many or more who do not believe in it. 

If we were to go with the notion that a mask is not able to stop the spread of a virus, which many doctors have reported, then masking up would not end the pandemic. So I want to take this notion apart a little bit more, and I am not telling you to do anything other than what you are right now. But if we come to understand the mask has a separate purpose, and that purpose is not being told to the general population, going along with the game of masking could cause issues that would not honor the divinity of the body.  Breathing your own recycled air can actually weaken the immune system. Masking causes a sense of isolation and lack of connections with others. Suicides, depression and anxiety are way up this year, and at least a part of that has to do with the isolation caused by masks and the fear factors of the planned pandemic. 

Seek the truth. Remember what you put into your heart and mind is affecting how you feel and what comes out of you. If you are watching fear based news/TV you may be amplifying your field for struggle. Connect more your heart to God. Read your holy books, whatever they may be, and fill your hearts and minds with the majesty and mighty wonders of our great God. 

I love you!

Happy New Year!