In the shadows

In the shadows

There are common self sabotaging behaviors: If you are spending much of your time focusing on the errors, mistakes and defective things you came into the world with, you will manifest struggle, difficulty and additional challenges for yourself instead healing and becoming healthy.

The sad fact is that many people who are in desperate need of healing have self-sabotaged their wellness by speaking about how bad their health is. Unhealthy relationships and emotional baggage become part of the condition. Telling your friends and family over and over again about the conditions you have will permanently lock them in. Mindfulness training becomes an important element of healing

Remember: ‘What the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve.’

Cheryl was an interesting person to work with. She was a very, very sick woman who lived close enough to me that she would literally come in to see me (unlike most of my one to one clients who call or Skype in). I think she looked forward to the time we spent together. She was sick and had virtually no social life, just conversations with doctors and loved ones about how bad she felt.

As she walked through the door she would exclaim with breathless enthusiasm, “Hi Julie Renee, you won’t believe what happened to me!” Finding her place on my sofa, a steady stream of rapid complaints, symptoms and disturbances would ensue. Every now and again she would pause for just a moment to ask what I thought, but would barely give me time to respond before she’d barrage me with more problems.

Freedom in Self-expression
Freedom in Self-expression

Unfortunately, the benefit of much of the healing work we did in the sessions was undone by her constant obsession with illness and death when she was at home. The emotional baggage and relationship problems had her fixated on illness.

I liked her very much and really wanted to help her out. I began to coach her with mindfulness training. We work diligently both on regeneration and with her poor attitude. Whenever she would have a set back, I helped her see how she had created it by her negativity at home. It has been an amazing transformation to see her come out of the darkness and into the light.

She really did want her health and vitality back and with her steady prayers and improvements in conversations and decision to let go of drama she is actively using her thoughts to help herself heal. This is a true mindfulness training victory!

If you develop the attitude of gratitude and appreciation for your miraculous human body and if see it as your friend and a benevolent cooperative assistant in the process of greater wellness, the body will give you all its got and will rise to the occasion. See the body as perfect and the challenges as temporary. After all, you did come with a divine human blueprint plus all the information necessary to correct inadequacy.

Affirm; Everything I need for Great Health is within me now!

If you would like to learn more about Meditation for beginners I suggest you start with The Definitive Guide to Meditation.

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