Ever wonder, “How in the heck did I pick up those spiritual interferences?”

Expanding your field can be causing you to pick up both demonic and alien interferences!

I just hung up the phone with a one-to-one Miraculous Transformation client and she was surprised and disappointed to see the list of interferences have once again grown. 

Spiritual teachers who guide you into a field expansion may not realize that they are putting you at risk.

This individual followed an aura expansion ritual with others, and found that she later felt ‘bad’. 3 new demons and 4 new aliens had now joined her. I removed them immediately of course, and we made a new plan not to expand the aura even if a teacher was instructing to do so. 

Another spiritual interference aura related issue comes from your living environment. 

Are you living in an apartment or in close proximity to many others? The walls of your place can get spongy and absorb energies rather then serve as a protective barrier between you and others’ fields and interference issues. You can experience living in a portal of a kind with spiritual interferences flinging in and out.

  1. First shore up where you live. Ground the 4 walls, ceiling and floor with four roses each, and create a big grounding rose with a grounding root system to the center of the earth. Clear the room by setting it on release.
  2. Imagine cobalt blue in the external walls. Walls have a kind of aura, over time, especially in old buildings the walls can become spongy. You can change that by imagining and pumping cobalt blue.
  3. Seal up all the opening doors and windows with purple. This is fantastic for stopping things from entering.
  4. You may depending on how severe the problem is to do the marathon clearings for you home and property. 

Practicing keeping your aura tucked in. When I’m out and about at an activity my aura is no more than 18 inches from my body. I feel more comfortable and pick up less gunk and less unwanted information from others this way.