Upon further reflection on this topic, I began to see more clarity on why this is so disturbing to me. Because something is just not adding up. Why were dogs pets when I was a little girl, but are now considered children? Something has happened to change the nature of the dog. 

Caricature of animals with Human Qualities

I can start with all the many, many cartoons where animals are the heroes, and they can talk and act and rescue humans. An example of this is the Star movie. It is a Christmas movie about the Donkey who carried Mary to Bethlehem and how he is the real savior of the nativity story. Paw patrol is another one so cute you don’t really realize these are dogs given all human traits. The notion of this goes into children’s minds and they see dogs differently than say a show like Lassie. Not so bad right? Just a subtle shift in repositioning animals as the hero’s in human stories, largely with the very young, how can that hurt anything? 

The takeover of cute animals on Social media doing human-like acts

We’ve all seen way too much of this right? Dogs and other animals being cute, funny, courageous, or just so adorable. It’s used as a mood brightener and mind candy to have brain chemistry stimulated but this specific programming. 

A Social Opener, dogs are greeted first when taking a walk.

Our friends, a very sophisticated couple from Mexico, would walk their dog here and thought it so odd people would greet and ooh and ah over their dog and somethings not speak to them, the human adults or the little ones their 2 adorable young children. They thought this was very weird behavior. Like the culture was mentally ill. 

Doggy Clothing lines Plus

The clothing lines, gilded neck pieces, strollers, and special human gear for dogs. This includes grooming and doggy spas, doggy resorts, and even doggy restaurants.  So if you look at this and consider that dogs are replacing children, then this would be a step towards normalizing dogs and children. 

People choosing not to have children over Dog companionship

I do not have a statistic to share but let me best guess possibly 60% of folks in the childbearing ages 20-45 are choosing to have 1 or no children. I am hearing from some of these, dogs are more fun, easier, more lovable, less complex, or troublesome than a child. Also, I have heard children are just too much work. 

Illuminati agenda Animals were made to have human qualities while humans dumbed down and trainable. 

Are Dogs actually more human these days?

You know how we have discovered where those who read as Devil were once cherubim and seraphim? Or what about those once human becoming demon? Those once pleadian human had been stripped down to become satans? Is it possible something is stripping down a higher level of spirit and making them suitable for animal life? YES 

Some Dogs have spirits that were formerly human, while others have spirits that were formerly angelic. 

For a human to dog strip down this is what is left in the blueprint:

Spirit has been so radically changed that it does not read as ‘human spirit’. I read that the ability to do this has been around for about 20 years and there have been about 44,000 human-to-dog conversions have been made. They are not able to come back to humans, but I can restore them just as we have with the previous restorations I mentioned above. 

Who is behind this technology? D25 Humanoid Orion. 

I have to look at all the manipulations in the human race and the devaluing of humans and family as a long game for the end result of making us a slave race, but able to use God’s light and God’s power that is uniquely ours. 

God is great. God is all Powerful. God has not been altered or damaged but remains the Pure Holy Glorious Creator of all that is and all that is to come. We can find hope and reason to celebrate life when we know the truth, and are able to take action to correct the evil that is appearing so rapidly in this era for course correction!