Okay, so when someone says that to you, you know they are being friendly and supportive, but I cringe a bit when I hear that phrase. Why? It seems to be a curse of apathy and letting injustice reign. 

I work very hard, and there is no part of me that wants to embrace the don’t work too hard work ethic, but working with intention, smartly can also mean that hard work can be done for the most part with a balanced lifestyle. 

Working with intensity can mean that you take on better habits. For example to make sure you get the proper nourishment prepping meals, spending 15 minutes the night before planning what your priorities are an absolute must with better scheduling. you might need to shut everything down and drink a cup of relaxing tea, hitting the sack at 9 so the meditation and workout can be accomplished on a full night of rest. 

Work hard, and make sure you are fully fueled, with time for fun, creativity, and rest as equal priorities on your agenda!  Apathy is a big one on our clearing chart, as we move into the new year, let’s kick apathy out and welcome in discipline, fueled with joy!