I woke from some crazy dream with someone singing what do you feel feel feel. I asked them to be quiet while exiting my dream, saying I am a child of God; I experience life, and I do not feel it. 

I have spoken some about the system of feelings. They are mutable and can be manipulated, and are not from God. I choose to have a set point and intention to live my life in the purity and truth God gifted, in the very best possible way I can, and to live beyond the trap of negative emotions. 

So the question is, what do you do with negative emotions, especially when they are bleeding into your dreams? 

Adelia awoke this morning, reporting a similar weird dream morning. She said 3 or 4 times I don’t want you to die, mommy. This is not the first time she has awoken feeling this way, telling me I was dying in her dream. I reassured her I am not going anywhere and planned to live a very, very long life. For a child, dreams feel very real. For me, I become annoyed with them, the entertainment value is minimal, and honestly, I would rather have dreamless sleep, but sometimes the dreams seem to invade my serenity.   

I do test MKUltra, on some level, is manufacturing dream landscapes projecting that disruption into the minds, especially of the receptive, meaning those with intuition and awareness. Phantom and Reptoid seem to be behind this technology specific to dreams; Lucifer also has a hand in it. 

I have not yet found an easy answer to ending this dream situation, but I am convinced this disturbance to the serenity of the consciousness while the body is at rest must end. We did a fantastic class on clearing dreams, yet dreams remain, so there very obviously is more work to do. I believe this also has to do with authority and the blueprint areas that are still very far from God-sourced alignment. 

We can look to telepathy and authority restorations to get a big boost in the clearing of dreams. 

I suggest now using the power of prayer. Pray just prior to going to sleep and ask God to provide you with deep rest with dreamless sleep.